Saturday, December 27, 2008

Canada Day is awesome someone put bubble bath in the pool at the legislature and everybody jumped in but shay was the first to go in !!!! ha ha!!!! The cops were yelling at everybody to "get out of the pool"!
I got so hyper i was chasing Tyler around for 45 minutes cause i got coke and sprite and COTTON CANDY!!!

Breanna xo

Monday, August 18, 2008

Baby Sydney

This is baby Sydney she is so cute right??? This is her at our house she is my moms friends baby. She was born on June 2,2008!! She is so cute thoe i cant get over it .

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I love chickys especially cute fluffy fat ones. I am so glad I found that picture it is so CUTE!!! I think that chick is funny looking!!! But,so Cute...